Wednesday 12 October 2011

My hair is like a lion's mane today and I'm frazzled with the amount of studying and homework I have to do. I have to finish a psychology method and I'm so confused. I had to pick the worst/difficult subject for my tiny brain. I got my best friend's birthday present today and I think she'll love it so I'm happy about that! I don't think I've ever did a face post haha.. Not looking my best today but whatever.

We have a little thing planned for her birthday, we have lots of colour sweets and were going to make her a cake I think!

Never made a personal post like this but oh well, Time to start my homework!

Monday 10 October 2011

Music Monday.

I've seen a few bloggers do this and I decided this would be a really fun thing to do on Mondays if I have time. I'm always coming across songs -old and new- that I end up obsessing over for a few weeks or so, So without further ado, Here's my weekly obsessions.

WhitewidoW - "Reprobate Romance feat. Nicholas Matthews"

Gym Class Heroes - "Martyrial Girl$"

Kimya Dawson - "The Beer"

Evanescence - "What You Want"

Fink - "This Is The Thing"

Friends, friends, friends.

Although everyone says this; I truly believe my best friends will ALWAYS be there for me. Sure, We fall out over stupid things and curse eachother down but what make it different is we ALWAYS make up and I know I can count on them when most needed. The second I need them, there they are. I was sitting in the halls today with them and somehow in my least finest hour they managed to make me laugh. So much shit has happened recently and it's nice to know your friends will always carry through.

The image used was taken by yours truly during photography, It's 'le best friend's hands.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

All inspiration, no motivation.

Having one of those weeks were you literally want to do nothing but laze about. I have so much stuff that needs to be done. Feeling really inspired lately but this passive attitude isn't getting me anywhere! Just those times where you feel down and you don't want to speak to anyone. I couldn't even be bothered speaking to my friends and spent a full weekend ignoring everyone. Usually when i feel like this i just let it pass but i need to just start being more cheerful, sick of just going into moods. So i'm going to write, maybe even draw tonight, try and allow myself to feel a bit better. Plus i'm going to DIY my room tomorrow, I hate how it looks at the moment. Growing out of the whole 'every wall needs posters' phase. Think i'm painting it either a really ice/white blue or white. I need a calming colour.

Here is what's inspiring me this week:

Thursday 21 July 2011

Shoe porn.

We'll keep marching on.

So there it is. My childhood over. Finally saw the last harry potter! It was so incredible, i cried all through it and was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Everyone i was with was crying their eyes out haha!

I got these in an American candy store. RASPBERRY MARSHMALLOW FLUFF. It is the greatest thing ever! I had it on toast earlier, yum. Tastes like cake. AND i had a Pez Hello Kitty sweet thing, so cool. I haven't had one of these since i was younger and Megan and i used to buy them all the time..

I'm so happy. I can still get away with a child, even though i looked quite old today! Success. Fuck paying £4.10!


Wednesday 20 July 2011

Lust list.

Clothing I love but will never be able to find/afford to own all of it until I sell my soul, So enjoy my materialistic side.