The top two i have no idea, i've been searching the internet forever for them! The 3rd pair are obviously Chanel but i think they out of stock now. The ruby slippers are really rare to find but this Ebay shop carries them. Ruby shoes. The floral ones are apparently from topshop and again, hard to find. The last pair you can find on any burlesque shoe website!
All shoes are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteYou have a very nice blog dear!
I follow you, and I hope that you will follow me) *
It is very important to me <3
to meet
kiss *
The shoe porn was quite satisfying.
ReplyDeleteOh my lord, I want them all!! Where are they all from??
ReplyDeleteHelen, X
The top two i have no idea, i've been searching the internet forever for them!
ReplyDeleteThe 3rd pair are obviously Chanel but i think they out of stock now.
The ruby slippers are really rare to find but this Ebay shop carries them. Ruby shoes.
The floral ones are apparently from topshop and again, hard to find.
The last pair you can find on any burlesque shoe website!
Oh God, This is WANKING material, lol jokes, the shoes are actually very nice